John Owens

Independent at Represented by Gary Ireland. Soccerbook Consulting

27 Contacts


Double PASS

Feb 2012May 2018

Auditor of Football Academies Premier League EPPP & MLS, US Soccer

Academy Manager/U19/U18 coach

Liverpool Football Club

Jul 1992Apr 2011


UEFA 'A' License
FA Academy Manager's License:
FA youth Coach's Award
Umbro USA staff coach


Michael Owen (Liverpool, Real Madrid, Man United & England), Steven Gerrard (Liverpool & England), Jamie Carragher (Liverpool & England), Wes Brown (Man United), Joe Cole (West Hame, Chelsea, Liverpool & England), Steve MacManaman (Liverpo


1995-97 England Schoolboy Manager U16's
1997-2001 England 'C' Team Manager


University of Liverpool, England

BSc Mathematics, MSc Pure Mathematics, MEd Sports Psychology, PGCE Mathematics and Physical Education.


AIFF Mumbai Interview - Mumbai July 23-24th, 2018

Posted by John Owens

Mar 24, 2020

John explains that's no age is too young but warmed that care is needed not to treat the youngsters like teenagers or, worse still, like adults. Its obvious to coaches but parents sometimes stress out their kids without meaning to

Wayne Rooney As A Coach- Letter To The Sunday Times Newspaper -18 March, 2

Posted by John Owens

Mar 20, 2020

After working at Liverpool's Academy for 19 years, I visited soccer clubs in the USA to give assessment reports for the MLS. Over a year ago, I completed the assessment of DC United. Over my four-day visit, the 1st Team had a home fixture. I was at the stadium on the next day and met Wayne Rooney after his cool-down session. We talked about various" (see more in pdf attitude attachment)

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